Yosemite NP:
• Yosemite NP
• Ostrander Hut
• Yosemite Association
• Badger Pass winter trails
Avalanche forecast:
• Avalanche Center
• Avalanche.org
• Sierra Avalanche Center
Day 1: From Badger Pass to Ostrander Ski Hut (Horizont Ridge)
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Day 2: Buenavista Peak from Ostrander Ski Hut
Day 3: From Ostrander Ski Hut to Badger Pass (Merced Crest)
Distance: 9.1 miles
Altitude at starting point: 7260ft.
Altitude at destination point: 8550 ft.
Elevation gain: 1950 ft.
Total descent: 660 ft.
Duration: 5 h.
Date: 02/14/2010
Gear: Alpine touring
This route starts at the Badger Pass parking area and follows the Horizon Ridge Trail (trail number 15) to the Ostrander Ski Hut. This is the shorter trail to get to the hut and follows the Glacier Point road for the first half, which is shared with cross-country skiers and snowshoers. Once you leave the road, the trail climbs up the Horizon Ridge, offering wonderful views of the North Dome and the back side of the Half Dome aligned with Mount Broderick and the Liberty Cap as well as the distant peaks to the North and East of the park.
Two types of signs are found on this route: yellow reflective triangles nailed on trees and yellow reflective squares sticking out of tree trunks. The route it’s pretty well marked and you shouldn’t have any problems finding your way to the hut under good weather conditions.
This route begins at the North end of the main parking area for the Badger Pass ski resort. Waypoint HR01 TrailHead: N37° 39.890 W119° 39.814. The first stretch of the road is uphill and is recommended to walk to the top of the hill at 1 mile and 25 min. Walking is an easy way to warm up instead of skiing and having to take your skins off at the top. Walk as close as possible to the edge of the road and never step on the groomed tracks. Waypoint HR02 SkisOn: N37° 40.359 W119° 39.333. Put your skis on at this point and ski down all the way to the Bridalveil creek at 3.4 miles and 1 h. Waypoint HR03 BridalveilCreek: N37° 39.996 W119° 36.985.
The Bridalveil creek is the lowest point along the road. From here to the spot where the Horizon Ridge trails leaves the road, there are a couple of gentle climbs. Depending on the conditions of the snow, you would be able to keep going without skins until that point at mile 4.7 and 1 h 30 min. Waypoint HR04 SkinsOn&OffRd: N37° 40.062 W119° 35.868.
Leave the road to the right and follow the signs to the top of the first climb at 5 miles and 1 h 55 min. Waypoint HR05 TopHill1: N37° 39.916 W119° 35.581. After that, the trail continues on a flat meadow and crosses a couple of creeks. The first one is at 5.7 miles and 2 h 25 min. Waypoint HR06 Creek1: N37° 39.601 W119° 34.990. The second one is at 6 miles and 2 h 35 min. Waypoint HR07 Creek2: N37° 39.395 W119° 34.820.
second creek marks the beginning of the steepest section of the trail. The
first steep climb is the preamble of the Heart Attack hill. The Heart Attack
hill starts at 6.6 miles and 3 h. Waypoint HR08 BottomHeartAttack:
N37° 39.020 W119° 34.428. Although the name is overrated, this is anyway
a nice spot to have lunch while you enjoy the views of the North Dome on
the North side of the Yosemite Valley (see picture). After 7.2 miles and
3 h 50 min you get to the highest point of this section by flanking the
Heart Attack hill on the South side. Waypoint
HR09 TopHill2: N37° 38.652 W119° 34.081. Without pulling the skins off,
ski down to the bottom of the hill and find the sign indicating 1.5 miles
left to the hut. This is at 7.7 miles and 4 h 05 min. Waypoint HR10 BottomHill2:
N37° 38.423 W119° 33.750.
last climb is wide open and with few trees. This is also where the Bridalveil
Creek trail (trail numbers 19 & 21) joins the Horizon Ridge trail. Farther
up, the trail goes into the forest. If you go to the left, closer to the ridge
edge, you’ll be rewarded by an expansive view to the North and East of the park.
After a couple of sharp turns, you’ll get to the top of the Horizon ridge at 8.9
miles and 4 h 50 min. Waypoint HR11 TopHR: N37° 37.763 W119°
32.965. Keep your skins on for the last flat and gentle final slope down to the
hut. Reach the hut at 9.1 miles and 5 h. Waypoint Ostrander Hut:
N37° 37.599 W119° 32.988.
Profile from Badger Pass to Ostrander Ski Hut via Horizon Ridge trail.
Go to top
Distance: 8.3 miles
Altitude at starting point: 8550 ft.
Altitude at destination point: 9709 ft.
Elevation gain: 2250 ft.
Total descent: 2250 ft.
Duration: 7 h 40 min. No tracks, breaking trail beyond the Horse Ridge.
Date: 02/15/2010
Gear: Alpine touring
This route starts at the Ostrander ski Hut and summits the Buenavista Peak about 4 miles SE of the hut. It climbs the East end of the Horse Ridge to join the Merced Crest trail number 17 going down to the saddle. After crossing the Buenavista Lake, it climbs a slope half way between the peak and the tip of The Nose. From there, it follows the ridge to the peak. For a more gradual way up to the ridge, go to the East end of the lake and tackle The Nose. Then follow the ridge till the summit. On the way back to the hut, don’t drop to the lake. Instead flank the North aspect of the Buenavista peak and you’ll be able to ski straight down to the saddle. From there, track back to the hut.
The views from the peak, as its name indicates, are a rewarding 360 degrees of unobstructed vistas. This route is not signed except for a short section that follows the Merced Crest trail 17. For clarification on the Merced Crest trails 16 and 17 see Day 3. Ask for avalanche conditions to the hut keeper.
Put your skins on and leave from the Ostrander Hut (Waypoint Ostrander
Hut: N37° 37.599 W119° 32.988) down to the lake. Cross it and climb the
bowl on the other side (see picture). Follow the line below the Horse Ridge and
climb to the top of the Ridge at its East tip at 1.5 miles and 1 h 30 min. Waypoint
BU01 HorseRidge: N37° 36.996 W119° 32.169.
Take your skins off and ski down on a SE direction to find the Merced Crest trail number 17 at 2 miles and 2 h. Waypoint BU02 Trail17: N37° 36.741 W119° 31.811. Follow the signs down to the saddle at 2.4 miles and 2h 5 min. Waypoint BU03 Saddle: N37° 36.562 W119° 31.595. Put your skins on. A gentle slope up brings you to an open area where the reflective yellow signs stop. Ski down with your skins still on and head for the Buenavista Lake at 3.5 miles and 3 h. Waypoint BU04 Lake: N37° 36.047 W119° 31.011. Cross it to the nearest spot on the other shore at 3.6 miles and 3 h 5 min. Waypoint BU05 LakeEnd: N37° 35.963 W119° 30.986. The Buenavista Lake is around 500 ft higher than the Ostrander Lake. If you crossed the later, it should be safe to cross the former. However, it’s always recommended to take simple precautions like crossing with a few yards between skiers.
your way up to the ridge at 4 miles and 3 h 35 min. Waypoint BU06 TopRidge:
N37° 35.784 W119° 30.828. This is the steepest leg of the route and depending
on the snow conditions it may be demanding and risky. From here is an easy stroll
to the peak at 4.3 miles and 4 h. Choose a line away from the edge to avoid the
cornices. Waypoint BU07 Peak: N37° 35.649 W119° 31.064. With
good weather this is perfect place to enjoy the vistas while having lunch.
When you are ready to go back, pull your skins off and head to the point on the ridge where you came up. Another option is to ski down the gully between the twin peaks. If you decide not to go down the gully, flank the North facet of the peak from the ridge (see picture) so you can reach the saddle without needing skins at 6.1 miles and 5 h 25 min. Waypoint BU08 SaddleBack: N37° 36.553 W119° 31.591. Depending on the snow conditions and the hour of the day, since the climb to the Horse ridge is on a South facing aspect, you may be able to do it without skins. The slope is less steep if you get close to the ridge edge. Back at the top of the Horse ridge, enjoy the views before choosing you preferred way down to the hut at 8.3 miles and 7 h 40 min. Waypoint Ostrander Hut: N37° 37.599 W119° 32.988.
Profile from Ostrander Ski Hut to Buenavista Peak and back.
Go to top
Distance: 9.2 miles
Altitude at starting point: 8550 ft.
Altitude at destination point: 7260 ft.
Elevation gain: 1400 ft.
Total descent: 2700 ft.
Duration: 6 h 40 min. No tracks, breaking trail.
Date: 02/16/2010
Gear: Alpine touring
This route starts at the Ostrander ski Hut and follows the Merced Crest Trail 16 to the Barger Pass ski area. There are in fact two Merced Crest Trails, the 16 and the 17. Trail 16 runs between Badger Pass and the Ostrander Hut. Going from Badger Pass to the Hut, trail 17 branches off the 16 before The Point (West tip of the Horse Ridge, close to the hut). Trail 17 continues around the Horse Ridge on its South side and goes towards the Buenavista Peak. The signs for trail 17 stop at the saddle between the Horse Ridge and the Buenavista Peak.
This route is a little bit longer than the much more used Horizon Ridge. It has more ups and downs but avoids the boring crosscountry road. Since it’s less frequented, tracks are not so common and you may need some navigation skills. You'll need to put on and take off the skins several times along the route.
Two types of signs are found on this route: yellow reflective triangles nailed on trees and yellow reflective squares sticking out of tree trunks. In general, the route it’s pretty well marked but there are a few spots where sharp changes in direction or thick forest requires careful decisions and some navigation skills (specially if no tracks are available).
Put your skins on and leave from the Ostrander Hut (Waypoint Ostrander Hut: N37° 37.599 W119° 32.988) to the right and cross the Bridalveil creek towards the first sign of the Merced Crest trail 16 on the West side of the lake. Flank the bowl below The Point (see picture) without loosing altitude. Go around The Point and find the signs where trail 17 branches off trail 16 (0.7 miles, 30 min). Waypoint MC02 16&17: N37° 37.352 W119° 33.599.
Follow the signs up to a wide open small hill and pull the skins off (1.9 miles, 1 h 15 min). Waypoint MC04 SkinsOff1: N37° 37.180 W119° 34.633. Follow the crest as you ski down. Initially it’s fairly flat, becoming steeper as the crest turns NW. Then it flats again at 3.5 miles and 2 h 20min. Waypoint MC05 BeginFlatZone: N37° 37.710 W119° 35.804. Keep moving North and you should find a double triangle sign at 3.9 miles and 2 h 30 min. Waypoint MC06 DoubleTriangle: N37° 38.026 W119° 35.853. Pay attention as in 0.1 miles the trail makes a 90 degrees left turn at Waypoint MC07 LeftTurn1 (N37° 38.125 W119° 35.895) and heads down straight to the creek. Navigate through the thick forest and look for a big cross sign at 4.2 miles and 2 h 45 min. Waypoint MC08 BigCrossSign: N37° 38.106 W119° 36.085. Keep moving through the trees and cross the creek at 4.3 miles and 2 h 50 min. Waypoint MC09 Creek: N37° 38.129 W119° 36.146.
folks take this creek downstream (North) until in merges with the Bridalveil creek
and continue on to the Bridalveil campground and eventually to the Glacier Point
road. To follow on the Merced Crest trail, put your skins on after crossing the
creek and look for the yellow signs uphill. Follow them up to the top of the hill
at 5.2 miles and 3 h 55 min. Waypoint MC10 SkinsOff2: N37° 38.269
W119° 36.954. Looking back from this cleared hill you’ll be able to see The Point
(see picture).
Take your skins off and ski down through dense forest. This section needs careful attention to follow the signs. At 6.6 miles and 4 h 50 min turn left. Waypoint MC11 LeftTurn2: N37° 38.759 W119° 37.958. Continue down to the bottom of the hill at 6.7 miles and 4 h 55 min where the Merced Crest trail meets trail 13. Waypoint MC12 Trails16&13: N37° 38.733 W119° 38.070. At this point you have the option to follow trail 13 North and get to Badger Pass through the Glacier Point old road.
If you keep on the Merced Crest trail put your skins on again and climb to the top of the hill at 7.2 miles and 5 h 35 min. Waypoint MC13 TopHill1: N37° 38.746 W119° 38.559. Climb another hill at 8 miles and 6 h 15 min. Waypoint MC15 TempoDome: N37° 39.069 W119° 39.094. From this point you’ll see the ski lift. Arrive at the ski lift at 8.4 miles and 6 h 30 min. Waypoint MC16 SkiLift: N37° 39.220 W119° 39.529. Take your skins off and go down to the Ranger’s office at 9.2 miles and 6 h 40 min. Waypoint RangerOffice: N37° 39.751 W119° 39.897.
Report your party is back and the trail conditions so they can provide updated information to others.
Profile from Ostrander Ski Hut to Badger Pass via Merced Crest trail.